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Assy features in Model Tree


New member
Hello group! I am brand spankin new to WF3 and there are two things that jump out at me that appear 'changed'. I think the solution for this might be a simple thing like a config setting, but I'll be darned if I can find it....

1) First thing I notice is the Assy features (datums, etc.) do not show in the model tree. How do I turn that on?

2) Secondly, the red insert point indicating arrow (that you can drag up the model tree list to invoke the insert mode) does not show. I found the command sequence to do this manually, but that is clunky. I loved that red arrow !!

Does anyone have a link to a file that deals with these type of WF2 to WF3 transitional glitches...??? THANKS VERY MUCH IN ADVANCE....
For 1), in the model tree select Settings>Tree Filters. On the Display side (left) of the dialog box make sure features is selected. Also look at the general tab and select what you want displayed.

For 2), if yours works like mine when you select features to be displayed, the arrow at the end of the feature list should show up.
Forgot to mention you'll want to save the model tree using Settings>Save Settings File and set the setting mdl_tree_cfg_file to the file you create.


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