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I am looking at somebody's else assy and some of the components have a black square next to them, suppressed sign in my knowledge.

So If I right click on that components, only "delete" shows up, no other choices. What does that means?
Could it be that the suppressed parts aren't in your active workspace or PLM workspace?

I am looking at somebody's else assy and some of the components have a black square next to them, suppressed sign in my knowledge.

So If I right click on that components, only "delete" shows up, no other choices. What does that means?

good question... it sure sounds like the model is missing... if you are using some PDM type librarian and a workspace, then maybe those models are either missing, were deleted, or somehow weren't issued when you checked out the assembly or whatever

if you are on a stand alone box, and just opening from folders, the model is either not in the folder you opened from, or in the working dir. the way to test that is to search your drive for that file name, and if you find it, open it.. if it opens click back to your assembly and see if you have different options on the right click. if so, resume should be there

funny though, usually in cases like this, you have a pick 'retrieve missing component' option.. hmm.. maybe being suppressed is why, the 'missing' part was suppressed then the assembly was saved... then checked in... then you got it... and boom you have an assembly with a suppressed ghost in it... well thats my guess

