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Asynchronous JLink Load on Startup?


New member
I have a synchronous swing app going that will freeze when it has to call a JLink method, I believe but I'm not sure that this is related to the thread restriction described on 4-2 of the user guide. If so how do I get an Asynchronous App to load automatically when ProE starts, just like a synchronous app would? Do I need the protk.dat file? Thanks.

Edited by: fiebigc
There is no automatic way for Pro/Engineer to start an asynchronous
application. Asynchronous apps don't use the protk.dat file at all.

You could start both the async app and Pro/E from the same batch file,
but your async app would have to be patient and wait for Pro/E to be
ready to communicate.

Your other option would involve Pro/Engineer executing a trail file at
startup, which would run a mapkey that starts the asynchronous program.

Can your synchronous app use blocking GUI components? That would be
an alternative to using an asynchronous app, even though it makes the
app a little less interactive.

I first intended to use a JFrame but it now appears that won't work. I think it might be possible to embed all of my GUI components into a JDialog that is set to modal. However I don't want to block my users from using ProE while my java app is running. I'm going to give an async app a shot, but I'd still like to launch it from a menu button created in the ProE title bar. There might be a clever way to do this from a seperate synchronous app.

Thanks for helping me clarify what is require to get this going.

