I have a slight problem if anyone wiser know it then... I'll be happy and your karma improves, hehe.
In one of the selling videos they auto place things using component interface to geometry auto placement. So, I thought this might be a nice thing if it works anything like it seems. Bolts and such I define with and component interface. But to get the "auto place" button to work I need some assambly condition rules, or criteria as it's called in the interface creation wizard.
There I specify that the cylinder area should be mated to a area that is itself a cylinder and is part of a feature type hole.
Then that the bolt head should be mated with a planar surface.
When using the auto place function it finds no hits. I have tried removing criterias but still the same. When manually placing it at the right places, it says that the criteria mismatch.
I have searched this forum and the web but not found anything regarding this that is up to date, any ideas?
In one of the selling videos they auto place things using component interface to geometry auto placement. So, I thought this might be a nice thing if it works anything like it seems. Bolts and such I define with and component interface. But to get the "auto place" button to work I need some assambly condition rules, or criteria as it's called in the interface creation wizard.
There I specify that the cylinder area should be mated to a area that is itself a cylinder and is part of a feature type hole.
Then that the bolt head should be mated with a planar surface.
When using the auto place function it finds no hits. I have tried removing criterias but still the same. When manually placing it at the right places, it says that the criteria mismatch.
I have searched this forum and the web but not found anything regarding this that is up to date, any ideas?