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New member
Hai all,

I have a specific problem in the autobuildZ installation. I could notfind the autobuildZ menu in the tools menu after installation.

Please help me in this regard.


Thanksfor your reply,

I have enabled the autobuildZ option in Still i am unable to find the option in the tools menu. I am using WF2.0.

Please help me.

as far as i am aware autobuildz only pops up on the right hand side of the tool bar when ur in drawing mode.

maybe your looking @ it in the wrong spot?

anyone used autobuild. and saved time? ive attempted to use it, but its taken ages to do anything.

Besides enabling the configuration option AutobuildZ_Enabled to Yes it is neccessary to make sure that the and of AutobuildZ are present in the same folder as the drawing data.

then import the drawing in Pro/E Through File<Open and you should see the Autobuildz toolbar in the right hand side corner
About that autobuildZ
I have try it and I think that is no use. Because it depends on quality of *.dxf, *.dwg file (scale of drawing, I come across that is rare to have real scale of model in dxf drawing, also the quality of lines is problem, for example the tangent edges are almost always are open and then its problem for autobuildZ to close geometry, etc.).
Also if main function for autobouildZ was for simplifier models, then I think that good modeler will fasterbuildwhole model from beginning then rather build model using autobuildZ.
For complex models I think that drawings are to complicate for use in autobuildZ and will have a lot of problem building it from aZ rather to build model clean in Pro/E.
Please correct me if I'm wrong on this (autobouldZ is great idea and it would be nice to work like it was supposed to do)

