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Autodesk Vault


New member
This is probably a long-shot, but has anyone ever tried managing Pro-E objects using Autodesk's Vault?

While our engineers are usingWF 2.0andIntralink 3.3 for the design side, our production guys are considering adopting Inventor because they all hate Pro-E. We'd like to get all of our data under one PDM "roof", but Ilink apparently won't handle Inventor drawings, but supposedly Vault will handle Pro-E. The Autodesk claims that it has most of the same capabilities as Ilink but I am skeptical.

Can anyone lendtheir opinions, or share their experience? Thanks!
I cant speak for the capabilities of Autodesk Vault as I have never used it but PDM Link (the latest version of Intralink) has a workgroup manager for handling both Inventor and Autocadwhich you may want to consider.
I have used Vault in the past to handle all the office documents that went along with the Inventor Projects...

But as far a handleing Pro E...Autodesk Vault is fairly simple as far as adding and removing files... It is based off a microsoft explorer type interface,but you will lose any real functionality as far as maintainence, revision, & Cad Management... the only way I think it may work is if your Pro E team when they are complete with a project... and you will be able to put a shouldPro E files into the vault... It will take any file type... then you will have to pull that file back outand put it in a location to use...but I haven't tried it so I can't say for sure...

If you have a programmer on staff... one may be able to write ascript to move files to and from the Autodesk to PTC file locations & working directories and back and forth a lot more cleanly and efficently... I would be worried with a lot of cuting and pasteing and deleting and moving... you may lose a file or three...

That is just my worthless virtual 2 cents on the matter...

I was just at an Autodesk seminar yesterday and theyspoke aboutthe "Vault" some. If I'm not mistaken the new version (2008)coming out in a month or sowill accept Pro-E files andit will keep the relationships linked just like Intralink does now. In older versions of VaultI don't believe it did.

I think thismay be another viable option for those who don't want to migrate past Intralink 3.4. (I for one do not).

My 2 cents.
I don't have any experience using Autodesk Vault but what you can do is look at DDM (DesignDataManager) from CSI. We switched from PDMLink to DDM.I know for a fact that they support both ProE as Autodesk (Autcad,Inventor) files.
Autodesk vault used to be called E-Vault by True Innovations. I used it about 6-7 years ago with ProE. It worked well. Since the company sold the rights to Autodesk and integrated it into Inventor, I have not used it.

I really liked the ability to rename a file and have E-Vault find all dependencies (drawings and assemblies) and save them as well with the part file re-named.

Since it is now integrated into Inventor, I'm not sure how well it would work with ProE or even if it will.
I use this daily... WF4 with Vault 2014... Vault doesn't really like family tables, but you can work the system to get the data in.
I have been using Autodesk Vault and it is really very helpful for CAD Management software best for design, engineering and mechanical use. It is a truly professional software as AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD Electrical.

