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Automated Model built


New member

I am working on a blade part. It is divided into 3 essential features that guide its form. The Hub, there are 9-10 different types of possible hubs, the body( length and width can vary) and finally teeth (tpi varies). We basically design a new blade with specification about these 3 parameters. I want to automate the process of making a new blade from marketing specifications. So far i made a single part with all known features and different cuts and use family table to generate a new part.

But i want a more robust system, maybe creating UDFs for each part and then calling out them and editing them to create a new part. On the higher end, it would be great if pro/program could be used to drive the process by using these parameters and driving them thru an excel file.

I'm sure there are plenty of ppl who can shed some light on these issues.
My first choice would be Pro/Program.

If your model can be driven by a number of generic parameters it's fairly easy to automate the design and drawing process by using relations and a program (no c++ skills required)

Sinceyou have only a few parameters to play with it sounds like a good oportunity for you to use Pro/program.

I have a model with a program that reads 128 parameters from an analysis software that configures the geometry and drawing. Saves nearly a day each time we make a new variant (200 new designs every year) compared to the old 2D-methods.
Thanks Ankarl. I think I am in similar position as you... we create around 100 new variants each year and have to create each part and drawing everytime. I knew there should be a way to automate it in pro e. I've never tried pro program but will look around. If you have any resources on using pro program, i will appreciate you sharing them.
If you can post some sketch and perhaps some of the parameters you would like to use I'll give you some hints. I'm not asking you to reveal your intellectual property, just something similar to what you want to do.
As you can see we have different types of hubs and teeth and the body in between connects them.... the parameters are length, width and thickness(which guide the body) and the type of hub and teeth (varies by TPI, teeth per inch). I am thinking of making udfs of all hubs and teeth and make one for body whose length and width i can vary and it drives the width of its connection with hub and teeth. Also it would be great if a text file is automatically added showing the height,width,thickness dimensions and a note about the hub and tpi. this way manufacturing will have all the info they need to manufacture.
Starting with UDF's are always a good idea when it comes to standardised features.

But, you can add them all to your model (if you can define a common interface)

Attached zip contains a simplified part with a program where you can vary length, widths and type of hub. It is very simple and just to give you some hint of how you can do it.

Hope it can be of any assist

I do not have any experience with Pro-Program. How do you go about starting a new file with features. Do you know of or recommend any tutorials.

Thx Dan
Dan, if you still got questions after reading the pdf posted just add another post and I'll see if I can help you.

The tutorial posted seems to be quite informative though

Thanks Ankarl and Bureaadr. I just had a cursoary look at turotial and pogram file. Since I am novice it does looks overwhelming as to where to start from and what to do. I'll try to read through the tutorial and play around a bit with ankarl's model to see if can make some sense to me. once again thanks for your tremendous help.
I would suggest you start building your generic model without to much worries about the program. Just have in mind what you probably learnt in your basic pro/e training: use stable references, prefferably datumplanes.
This will allow you to switch between the different shapes when you later invoke your program.
Also pay attention of how you build the teeth profile. You want to be able to pattern it and control it with relations later. Once this is done the program will be the easy part.

IF you get stuck, keep posting

Success? tell us about it

BTW, isit a bone-saw you're making? Gives me the creeps....
You are right, I will do as you said. The bone saw blades are the primary product of our company. I am working on a knee surgery device. Since the blades have been made for last 10 yrs, and were never controlled properly and the whole database is in mess. Moreover the procedure becomes cumbersome and time consuming for engineering. So I wanted to automate it as much possible to focus on other project. usually we get a request from surgeons for particular blade and we've to create the blade acc. to specs and then create drawings,labels etc for it and get it released. we've automated label creation and now trying to automate part and drawing generation. It will be fun doing it and learning new things..... I'll keep you guys posted...Thanks for all your help...
HAHA.. hope so... but in case you end up in that surgery room, you will wanna use our products. Our surgical blades are far better than any other blade out in market and the kneee balancer device does one heck of a job in balancing the knee.....

