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Automatically replace the spincenter


New member

I just got a new computerat my work. On my old computer there was a setting that my spincenter automatically get back to the center of the screen. A little green ring was vissible where the spincenter was located. On my new computer this is not active/installed and I don't know where I can change this setting.

Is someone familiar with this issue?

I use the 3DConnexion SpaceExplorer and SW 2010.

Thank you.
The Spincenter function is part of the 3Dconnexion installation. From within Solidworks, on the top menubar, click on 3Dcontol - Properties. This will display the 3Dcontrol properties dialog box. On the Options tab is the setting for Show center. There are three options, Always, On Motion, Never. Select the option you want.


Joe L
Thank you for the answer.

I think I have an older version installed on my pc, because I don't have this option in the menu. Lets download a newer version. Again thank you

Double-check that you have the "3Dcontrol Add-in" added in the Add-ins control.

Go to Tools | Add-ins… and make sure to place a check-mark in both the Active Add-ins box and the Start Up box. Doing so should allow the menu and toolbox to be visible and selectable.

I'm not sure when these options first became available, so yes, it just MIGHT BE a version issue.

Good luck!


Joe L

