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Axis lines in Draft


New member
Hi people.

i know this thing sounds too stupid, but i dont have anyother option, please help.

i have imported a model to Detail for detailing but the Cross section Doent show the axis lines.

Can some body tell me where to look for.


Are you referring to the arrow display of the section or the axis for the features in the imported model like holes etc?

if it the axis then, You will have to create axis in the model and use show/erase to get that axis.


Deepak Bhat
You say "imported".

Do you mean you created a Pro/E model, and then started a drawing to detail it?

If so, you must use the Show/Erase dialog box to show the axes you want to see. VIEW > SHOW AND ERASE.

Or do you mean that you imported a solid model from a different CAD software into Pro/E, and you want to detail it?

If so you can create axes at the center of cylindrical features. Just use the axis creation function and pick the cylinder surface.


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