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Beam elements to solid...


New member
I have a complex truss structure (a chassis) modelled using datum points and 3D curves. In Mechanica I assigned beam elements to the curves which gave them their section and mechanical properties.

How do I now make these 3D curves solid elements?

I cant seem to do multiple sweeps and obviously dont want to do them individually.
When I do sweep individually, the intersection of sweeps is not at all realistic, ie the 2nd sweep will run straight through the first. Like below...

View attachment 2776
Try creating a composite curve out of the two driving curves in the picture you have shown us. You can than create one sweep that will wrap itself around the corner.

With complex cross sections you may need to add a couple features. Extend the sweep curve so it goes well beyond the mating sweep curve and cut the feature at the appropriate mating angle. Creating the next section can be a bit more difficult. You may need to stop the sweep early and than creat a straight protrusion that extends to the same mating angle plane.

Obviously the first method is preferable, but sometimes things are just to complicated!

