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Bearing Loads on Simulation Surfaces


New member
hey guys

this is my 1st post so bare with me, im having some problems with pro mechanica, i have an axle which can be seen below, and i created a simulation surface at the 2 spots where the bearings are goin to sit, but when i create a bearing load it doesnt apply it to the simulation surface, but over the whole surface.

View attachment 3928

the red shaded area cant be seen that well, casue of some silly reason.

View attachment 3929

the image above shows the force applied to the whole surface :(

Anyways can someone shed some light on what im doin wrong



Can you confirm how you created the surface region and in which version of Pro/E?

I've done a test shaft, where there is a surface region on the flat face on the end, but I couldn't do a surface region on the cylindrical area, I kept getting a "can't construct geometry" error. So instead, I did a volume region, then applied the bearing load to the lower portion of that. This worked ok. I'd upload the picture, but can't seem to get onto the fileserver at the moment.

I've not had chance as yet to really delve into Wildfire 3.0 Mechanica (which we are now running), but I'm guessing that volume regions are for "solid model" and surface regions for planes now. Maybe someone with more knowledge of the chnages from 2001 through to Wildfire 3.0 can enlighten?



im using wildfire 3 student version

ended up fixing my problem, thanks for the help.

what i did was i used that simulate volume region, then did a revolve around the shaft, now when i select the region for a bearing load it applies it to the surface of the shaft i wanted it on :)

Good Times!

