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In WF, create a table withone row and three columns. go to 'table' menu, 'repeat region', a menu appears. there 'add' > 'simple' and select the first and then last box in the table. DB (double click) on the first box, a pop-up menu appears, chose asm > mbr > name. then for the second box chose rpt > qty and for the last rpt > index
then, you go to the 'table' menu and chose 'bom balloon' > 'create balloon' and chose different options by which you could create the balloons.
In the top of the front left corner of the forum page there's a section the said articles there you'll find tips and tutorials on how to create b.o.m. tables, deal with repeat region, costumize and create udf. if you would like to learn more about the subject.
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