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black outline

A way of getting the edges to show up (in Wildfire 2.0) is to go to View -> Display Settings -> Model Display, on the Shade tab there is a checkbox for With Edges. This will highlight the edges in a darker (or lighter) colour of the model.

If you set the model colour to black, and colour the surfaces differently, then you will achieve the effect you want.

If I change model ( part) colour in black , I can't change surface ( all surfaces) in other colour...
In Wildfire 2.0 the All surfaces is for quilts (I think), the work-around is to select the surfaces individually (I usually use the individual command & select the intent surfaces).
Edited by: robertib
USe option select "surfaces" in the 'Apperance' box then "solid surfs" under surface options, then click on the model. That will change all solid surfaces.

Although, I dont manage to get black outlines, only a different shade of the surface colors even if the part is set to black...???
ankarl said:
USe option select "surfaces" in the 'Apperance' box then "solid surfs" under surface options, then click on the model. That will change all solid surfaces.

Although, I dont manage to get black outlines, only a different shade of the surface colors even if the part is set to black...???

Cool ! It seems to be working.

Ankarl, is your black material totally black ?
(Color and Highlight ?)

Now it would be really cool to adjust the edge thickness.

Edited by: sander

hopefully only a coupple of weeks left until wf2 now......

