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Blend Problem


New member

I've created a simple cylindrical protrusion. I wish to cut a funnel shaped recess in the protrusion by blending between an upper and lower curve at either end of the cylinder. I can remove the material outside the cut to make a cone:

but I can't seem to figure out how to configure the cutso as to remove thematerial INSIDE the cutto make a cylinder with a funnel blend in the middle.

Note that the simplified geometryillustrated hereis just a simplification. I am actually trying to blend betweena circle and amore complexcurve:

which would seem to prevent my use of a sweep or other method, as far as I can determine.

Any ideas (or how better to approach the problem) would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

I'm assuming your using a copy for Pro/E at school. People with an industry copy can't open your files, but there is a way around this. Open your part, go to Tools -> Floating Modules. In the window that comes up, there should be something about academic license, or something with EDU in the name (if your school has this enabled). Click this check box, then save the part again. It should allow everyone access to your files. Also, people in these forums are pretty good at seeing your idea from screen shots, there's ways to export pictures from ProE, or you can use good ol' screen capture.

Good luck

I just downloaded files to disk. Will not be able to look at them till I get them to the house (i have TE loaded at the house).
Thanks for the responses and sorry about the version problem (yes, it's the Student Edition). Unfortunately, Knigjes, I don't have a Tools -> Floating Modules option. In view of that, I guess the question is best rephrased as:

How best to create a funnel shaped cut (smoothly joining the upper curve and the lower circular curve) from the solid protrusion defined by the upper curve?

I'd do it in much the same fashion as a sheet metal rect to rnd transition; e.g. planar fill surfs and corner blends.

View attachment 2149

The zip contains a neutral (assume SE can read?) and a couple more pix. Hope it helps a bit.

If you set things (boundary blend control points, specifically, emulate what you see in the attached) correctly I think you can probably do the whole inner quilt in a single feature if you want totry that route.
I did mine with blend, cut, general. Note: 10 segments of outside contour, circle has to match with a 10 segment circle! Also the section selection can be tricky because it is one definition. You can have more than 2 sections, but even with just 2, its pick section (confirm or reselect start), done. Section select should still be up, select 2nd section (confirm or reselect start), done. You will be prompted at this time if more than 2 sections, if just 2, select No.

View attachment 2150

View attachment 2151

I did this with comercial version, I'll recreate on TE (SE,PE same thing) and post tomorrow.
Dear TedJ1

I looked at your blend file. The error is that you have three sections, not two as you think. (no three is empty). Try to delete the blend cut and redo it using a General blend - and select section. (select loop).

Greetings gkc
Thanks everyone for the great ideas. Basically I used gkc's suggestion and ncprog's construction linesto divide the circle at the proper positions in orderto finish the part. All the ideas were good and the generosity in offering all of your time and help was great.


