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Boundary Blend - Smoothing


New member
The boundary blend on the top of this model looks like it's flexing it's neck muscles. Is there a way to make it less wrinkled? I tried rounding out the square it stretches from, and chopping up the circle help ProE be a better guesser - but this is as good as I can get it.
View attachment 2869

I'd like this to be smooth... any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Use some control points to relieve the scruntched sections. You can use natural vertexs as references or datum points you create.
ahh... I learned about control points - that gets me most of the way to a solution - the model looks much better - thank you.

Is there a way (with perhaps different geometry) that I can require some of the sides to be tangent, while another is free?
For example, in this model. I could require 3 of the sides of the square (base) to be tangent, while the forth side is allowed to leave free. All of them still connect to the circle, and influence eachother. I tried doing this with separate blends, but could not get the two surfaces to align along their edges.
How was this modeled? It doesnt look like something I would do with a boundary blend rather than a simple blend. It looks to me like the rads on the lower square are too small.

