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Breaking dependencies


New member
In ProE WF3.0 Menu -> Info -> Global Reference Viewer it shows 2 dependencies: G3.ASM and WASH1.ASM. I think that these are interchangeable assemblies, but I do not have any of these missing parts and I don't care about them.

How can I break these dependencies? (I know that in WF4 and 5 it is easier, but I cannot use these versions)

It is frustrating to find out that the parts I thought were clean have in fact something wrong. Are there some settings in to give me an error message every time a reference parent is not found?

Thank you for your time.
the best would be to cancel them on TOP level, so in main assembly

assume you`re out of it. Then try to track features that contain external references and rip them out manualy
muadib3d said:
the best would be to cancel them on TOP level, so in main assembly

assume you`re out of it. Then try to track features that contain external references and rip them out manualy

Thank you for the response.
From what I know, there are at lease 2 type of external references.
One, the one you are talking, are construction references (I don't know if this is the official definition, but this is how I name them). Those references are like creating a feature in a part while in an assembly and using some features like edges, surfaces, etc to reference your part. For example you have a part cylinder that have to go into a hole in another part. To ensure that the diameters are equal, one can constrain the diameter of the cylinder to the diameter of the hole.
Unfortunately my problem is not like this. There are no features that reference another part.
To show better what I am talking about, please take a look at this part. The only feature it has is the coordinate system.

In ProE WF3 go into the menu, Info -> Global Reference Viewer
Then Click on the button "Show Reference Graph"
In the new window click on the part, in this case EMPTY_PART.PRT and then on the toolbar click on "Show reference parents of the selected object."
Then you will see the 2 assemblies I am talking about.

View attachment 4582

Edited by: florinfaur
ReinhardN said:
retrieve_data_sharing_ref_parts yes in your should give you an error message

Thank you for the replay.
I tried and it didn't give me any error message.
Did you try? Did you have errors? If yes, can you give me all your ProE config options?
Hello Florin,
This Option works for Publish/Copy Geom. You will be dumped into resolve mode.
Your part is member of interchange assemblies wash1 and G3 as you can see by #info #Model.
I can break this reference in WF4 by RMB #Break Dependencies, in WF3 not as I dont have AAX.
ReinhardN said:
Hello Florin,
This Option works for Publish/Copy Geom. You will be dumped into resolve mode.
Your part is member of interchange assemblies wash1 and G3 as you can see by #info #Model.
I can break this reference in WF4 by RMB #Break Dependencies, in WF3 not as I dont have AAX.

EUREKA (I'm not naked)!!!!!
I opened the parts with problems broken relationships. I created an Interchange Assembly (w/o saving it) and I inserted those parts in the assembly. Then I deleted them from the Interchange Assembly. The dependencies were gone.

Thank you everybody for your time.

