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Building a part without the GUI


New member
Dear All,

I have already asked in another post - but no one gave me a suitable solution - > I need to build a 3d model without using the GUI inside pro/e.

Why? you might ask... I have a project which requires this. As I said in my previous post, I have been succesful in Mechanical Desktop - since it is very easy to use script files in an*.scr file and load it to build the model.But did not manage in pro/e - till now.

I also tried to convert the file from mechanical desktop to pro/e using the step format (and other formats), but this makes the history tree lost! And we need that!

Hope anyone can help me here,

The scanned file is then processed, giving a script file. This script file is then run in pro/e to give a 3d model.

This is the procedure we used in mechanical desktop. Hope there is something similar for pro/e.

Any help pls!

So the sequence would go something like:- create scan file, open pro-e, import scan file, save pro-e file.

What was wrong with using the established methodology for importing a scanned model?

Why do you need a 'program' to do that?

Or did I miss something (again!)

But the scanned file is processed... and information is extracted from it! Then the building commands are given by the program to the pro/e.

Hope this clears it jbuckl,

Nope, lost me with this request... seems like un-necessary steps.


Can anyone else help Frank please?


