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bulk item, paint values


New member
To get the painting area of a component in assm., i createdone bulkitem andin inserted in assembly. While inserting thebulk item, i cant able to select all those surfaces to calculate the surface area of a component. Is there any method to calculate the whole surface area of a component? and how to retrive those parametric values in detailing?

bulk component won't help you to calculate the surface area of any component.

bulk part is just like a liquid you want to store in a container ( i hope you can understand)
"To calculate the whole surface area of a component" in assembly:

1. Activate component

2. Analysis - Model Analysis - Compute - Add Feature

To retrive those parametric values in detailing:

Add note "&surf_area:FID_xxx:yyy" where xxx - feature ID of added analysis feature, yyy - sesion ID of component.

You can create bulk itemand specify parameter "paint_mass" or "..._volume"using parameter"surf_area:FID_xxx:yyy" in relation.
To Determine the Session ID of a Model in Assembly Mode:

With an assembly open, click Tools > Relations. The Relations dialog box opens.

Click Show > Session ID. The MODEL INFO menu appears.

Select one of the following object types:




Select a component. The name and Session ID of the object appear in the message window.</DIR>


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