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By fill made surfacepart into solid?

practically "waterproof"?

If by fill-tool you mean Edit > Fill, than you have a flat surface. If this is the case then you need to select Thicken.
Im still a bit puzzled, but i presume you have a closed mesh of all those triangles? You still need to merge the with fill created triangles so you create a closed quilt (dark purple edges instead of magenta). Only then can you select the solidify function.


dojo is right.

usign the selection filter, (change it to quilt) select two quilts and then use Edit/merge. tehn merge the next face to teh rovious merge and so on. once you have a fully enclosed volume you can solidify it.

Seaarch the help for merge and solidify.

the basic thing that u must understand is "only one surface that have any open area can be solid but an open solid, so u can get results by thicken, u need a closed water tight quilt (any number of surfaces that merged in each other) to create a solidify feature. like a box etc.
I just recently tried to make a solid out of a set of surfaces (imported IGES) but solidify was greyed out whatever I tried.

Why is that? Because the surfaces don't make a closed volume?
Sorry, but my employer would strongly disapprove of that.

Thanks for the offer though.

I went around the problem in many steps by using shrinkwrap creatively.
Edited by: MichailS
The solidify tool was grey out most likely cause you never got down to surface level. You were probably just to the feature level. To do a solidify you must have a singular waterproof quilt. Most likely your iges came in with holes or as multiple quilts with gaps. Use your import feature editing capibilities to zip the gaps and make sure you dont have any pink edges in wireframe mode and you should be able to solidify if you actually pick the quilt and not the import feature.
Hi MichailS,

While u importing the IGES file or step,some times the edges in the model became open.then,u have to stich the component by using heal geometry option.

First u should refine the imported feature.with in the feature u have lot of options to stich your component.

u can use this option or u just refine the imported feature and delete whatever surface is open ended.then by using surface boundaries create surface and then merge with imprted quilt surface.But whatever surface u created other than imported feature like boundry surface,it will appear in model tree.

There is one more license is called import data doctor that is used to eliminate the above mention theproblem(boundry surface appeard in model tree).

I have attached one power point presentation that will give some basic idea about how to start.


