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Cam profile from equation

arlo blair CAS

New member
Hi all,

I have done my homework and have constructed (simpler) curves from equations before, but am still having trouble trying get the equation for this cam profile into a curve.

For the first 260 degrees the equation is:

r(theta) = (r-0.3) + theta/650

However i write this (syntax) it will not work. Previous examples i have found for creating cam profiles from equations all relate to cos/sin etc.

I am using a cylindrical coords sys.

Any help or links to topics of use would be much appreciated.


one method i know is to generate a curve from equation and copy it in a sketcher window. when you generate a curve, click on curve>from equation select csys and cylindrical as csys type. then write the following into the editor:

r(t) = (actual-0.3) + t/650

insert your reference radius value into actual. this works if theta is in degrees.
Cracked it:

r = ACTUAL RADIUS- 0.3 + 260t/650

theta = 260t

z = 0

This gives me the first section (through 260 degrees) of my cam profile. I hope this helps to anyone who may be interested (trig could have been used also in the equation).

I had make it but I couldnt understand why it is so complex equation for this curve or I had make a mistake. I got this result of this equation


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