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Can’t find form tools


New member
My design library doesn't contain the form tools menu. Any idea how to load it, or is there any other way to indent a sheet metal part? I've created the form tool but can't figure out how to use it.
I did that, but I can't figure out how to use it. I've done it before, but my SolidWorks has since lost its Forming Tools menu.
I am new too SW have used PROE for 20 years

I would like to know how to use the form tools

Can you explain what you did after creating the solid part

I have done it many time using pro sheetmetal

I would think it would be similar
1. Create the sheetmetal part.
2. Create the mold tool using solid modeling tools.
3. Click Insert --> Sheet Metal --> Forming Tool and specify the stopping face and faces to remove.
4. Save the part as a Form Tool type (*.sldftp), in the "save as type" pulldown menu.
5. Open your sheetmetal part.
6. Open the Design Library, then click the "Add File Location" button at the top.
7. Select the directory where you saved the form tool. That directory should appear in the Design Library.
8. Click the new directory. You should see thumbnails of all the files in it. Select the form tool and drag it onto the sheet metal face you want to indent. A popup will appear; click Finish.
9. The new form tool will appear in the FeatureManager Design Tree. Open its sketch. Use dimensions & relations to position the form tool.

Hope that helps.


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