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Can’t make surfaces with....


New member
I know it may sound ridiculous, but I cannot make a surface within a closed, continuous (C1), non planar curve.

If I use the boundary command it says lines are tangent (make it non-tangent!)

I'd like to select the boundary and...make it. Is It possible? What command and procedure shall I use. I have WFII.

Thanks for your help.

Pro/E isn't to keen on creating surfaces with degenerate edges. Split the "region" with a curve then create two boundary blend surfaces. (I don't really like creating surfaces with singularities either, but it'll work.)

If that's missing the mark, post an example.
Yes it works, Thanks. Although for me it is incredible that ProE cannot construct "directly" such surfaces! Anyway Thanks again for your suggestion.

"... cannot construct ..."

One does have to wonder, but it's so simple to create a two or three point datum curve it's not such a bad deal.

I lied, too. It appears that once the third curve is in place you can pick all three curves as first direction curves and it makes a perfectly happy, single surface. (I'll have to see how some of the programs that fuss about the singularities like it. May have to re-think that, too.)
Thanks again!

I'll use this way tocreate those surfaces..(sinceit seems there isno other "shorterway")



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