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Can’t open file on Catia V5 in AIX


New member
Hello everybody ,
I have a problem with a catia file (CatPart,
CatDrawing, etc) when I try to open it in the same version of Catia V5
but on AIX 5.3 (for example CATIA V5 R17) . This file are created with
CATIA V5 R17 in Windows. I receive this error:

"Invalid data. No editor associated
Invalid data. Document cannot be read.
Problem while reading document.
Load operation failed. Not enough memory.
File of file"

Can someone help me with this problem?

Thank you.

Ghita Pop
Check the compatibility here req/sysreq.html#aixsoft

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Hello Ghita,

you said the file was created on Windows. But can the file be opened in

However the file looks corrupted. It
Hello xanin,
Yes i can open this file in windows, but i found another problem when i try to open it I receive another error message. The real problem is this, because never i not receive the same error message.
So, this problem still exist and I do not fount yet the solution.
Thank you for your response.
Yes i can open this file in windows, but i found another problem when i
try to open it I receive another error message. The real problem is
this, because never i not receive the same error message.mermaid bridal gowns
wedding dresses mermaid
So, this problem still exist and I do not fount yet the solution.
Thank you for your response.
I have same problem.And after days of searching I finally
found this software: Delete Long Path File Tool. Long
Path Tool is very useful if you are having problems in
deleting, unlocking, copying and even renaming files that
are considered filename too long by your system. Yes,
these problems can occur even while using the latest
Windows Explorer or FAR in managing your files. This tool
can help you simplify files names that are categorized as
filename too long by your system.
Long Path Tool
|<a href="" target="_blank"> Download Long Path
Edited by: tammy009

