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Can’t open wildfire 2.0 files


New member
I am currently using my companies Wildfire

that waspurchased in 2003. I believe it is version 1.0. All I know is that I can't open 2.0 files. Is there a program or an update that I can purchase or download that will let me open v2.0 files? or do I have to update my whole program to v2.0 or now 3.0? Please help with any suggestions that could help me open v2.0 files. Thanks.
I belive that you have to upgrade ur wf to wf2. Plus i'll said that you shouldn't upgrade to wf3 until is stable or you hear good things about it.
Edited by: arroyopr
Thanks guys that is what I figured I would have to do. I was just hoping that there was an easier way around it. Well now it is time for me to convince my boss to upgrade. Also thanks for the tip on v3.0
Yes you could if you save as igs,neutral,etc. But you'll not be able to do any modification to existing features. And that's when the up-grade becomes useless.

I would suggest to wait for WF u save on money to upgrade from WF2.0 to WF 3.0, as well as u have a host of new features , mostly in pro/mfg..
The problem with telling someone that IF you save the file in a neutral format it may be opened in an older version is that it requires the newer version to do that. In most cases, the newer version files have been sent from anothercompany and the person tring to open them doesn't have the newer version.

WF3 files can be opened in WF2. The feature tree is present, but the features are read-only.
The reason why I was asking this question was because a company using Wildfire 2.0 sent me files asking me to make modifications. I only have wildfire 1.0 and could not open their files, so they had to send me .igs files for me to even see them, and everyone knows how difficult it is to make modifications to an .igs file. You may as well just start over, which is what I had to do. Thanks for all the help guys, the time has come for my company to upgrade. FYI if I renewed my contract right now I would receive both the WF2 and WF3 upgrades, this was told to me by a ptc rep. Thanks again.
hi this is uv, I want to know that , can all the sides of a cube or any figure be round in one command ? if yes then please tell me the process, if any body knows.

thanks to all for such great help

You can open Wildfire 3.0 files in Wildfire 2.0?

I tried with build code 010 and it still won't work, is there a config statement to put in.



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