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Can a Skeleton Part be Hidden by Default?


New member
Can a skeleton part be hidden by default in an assembly? I know I can put the part on a layer and have the layer hidden by default. However I have an assembly that a contractor gave me a while ago that will open with the skeleton part hidden by default. I can't figure out how he did this, does anyone know? Thanks.
Hide the part in the model tree, go to layers & save status. This hides the part for when you open the assembly.
Pick the part in the tree, right click pick hide.
Then pick View in the drop down menu, visibility, save status.

By doing this you have saved the hidden or unhidden status of the feature tree.

If the skeleton's icon is greyed out in the model tree, that would indicate that he used the hide function. If not, check the layers, it must be on a layer that is hidden.

To do this automatically, I'm sure you can use rules in you start assembly layers so that any skeletons are automatically added to the appropriate layer. Save the layer status in your start assy so that layer is blanked and your skeletons will be hidden by default.

Follow the steps to hide any skeleton models everytime you make an assembly with skeleton models.

1. Create an assembly startfile and create a layer in the startfile, lets say 08_skel then hide the layer and save

2. before making an assembly you need to add this inthe config option or add in your Input def_layer in the option box and layer_skeleton_model08_skel as the value or add def_layer layer_skeleton_model 08_skel in your layer_skeleton_model denotes the layer type and 08_skel is the layer name. create an assembly using the previously created assembly starfile try to create a skeleton_model in your assembly and you will notice that the skeleton model will hide automatically.

note: if you don't want to use an assembly startfile, you can still do this directly in your assembly by just adding in the config option what is stated in no.2and createthe layerand hide it in your assembly before creating the skeleton model so that when you create a skeleton model in your assembly, it will automatically be added to the layer and becomes hidden. just make sure that the layer name in the config is the same with the layer created in your assembly. This procedure can also be used to diffrent layer types with corresponding layer names.

Edited by: jaypogi
robertib's suggestion was exactly what I was looking for. I knew it was supposed to be easy. Thank you jaypogi too, I have another use for your suggestion so it wasn't done in vain.


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