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Can warp stretch things linearly?


New member
I'm trying to stretch a corrugated part (a formed bellows) in one direction, but the corrugations do not stretch linearly across the length, appearing fatter in the center of the stretch than at the ends. I do not want to stretch the cuffs.

I can understand why that might be necessary to avoid sharp transitions at the begin and end of the stretch but in this case the start and stop are within...

Arggh.. I just realized, it's more work but I can stretch each corrugation individually.

Anybody have a better way to stretch just the middle and have it stretch linearly along the length of stretch?
Use a non-isotropic scale feature. Select your 'stretch' direction relative to a co-oridnate system.
No. You need to specify a co-ordinate system. Although I can't see why a default placed datum plane placed after your default 3 datum planes should cause a problem?

You need the Pro/MOLDESIGN Pro?MOLDESIGN-2 extensions to place a shrinkage feature. However, if you don't have itand you asked me really nicely I'd be quite prepared to send you a UDF that will place this feature for you.

You would need to modify the feature level parameters in order to change the scale factor. You can either make the change 'by scale' or 'by dimension'. You'd need to tell me which one because you wont't be able to get in to redefine the feature, only its parameters.


