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Cannot redefine curve.


New member
I am trying to modify a drawing of an outlet duct and everything is related to a curve, which is the #1 feature of the part. The problem is I cannot modify this curve. When I try to edit definition I get a warning that states "Cannot redefine this feature, select again". Is there anyway to override this so I can change the dimensions of this curve? If I can't redefine it, I cannot modify the part and the part needs to be modified.


I don't have a clue but a couple thoughts ... Was the feature created externally (wondering how a curve might otherwise be a first feature)? Is it Read Only (not sure how Read Only works, just that it exists)?
Yes, I am pretty sure that it was created externally. It turns out a number of parts are being dictated by this curve and not just this one part. So far I have had no luck finding or redefining this external curve. I've found a way of cheating a bit by changing the references of some features, but this'll be a temporary fix at best, and isn't working in every instance. Sometimes after I regenerate in the assembly everything goes back to the old curve driven dimensions and I have to start all over again.
Take a look at the external references by using #info; #Model and viewing the reference files towards the bottom of the list.

Or use #info; #Global Reference Viewr to get a more detailed list of specific features and whet each on references externally.

Also check the feature type to determine if it inported, copied ar copy from published geometry (external model). This may help you to find the data.

You also may be able to insert a new sketch ar curve and reroute all references by trying to suppress the initial curve and suspending all child failures and rerouting on the wayout.

Good Luck Save often.
Also if you modify the reference curve in another model it may change all the other parts referencing the original curve
Check if this curve was created by relations, for a family table. That could be a reason why no modification are allowed.
Thank you very much for the replies. I managed to find a part that would let me modify the curve, and yes it did modify in the other part files as well.

Thanks gain!


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