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cannot rotate the model in pro-e


New member

my friend recently bought a laptop and installed pro-e but the problem is tht he cannot rotate the model nor can he pan, so u guys out there can help me out with this problem do i have to configure the mouse or do some setting to overcome this problem.

thanks in advance
You definitely need a 3 button mouse or some type of special CAD mouse to use ProE!
I don't know if you can setup ProE to use the keyboard instead of the 3rd mouse button, but there's nothing as practical as a real computer mouse. Using the mouse pad on the notepad is highly impractical.

If you are using a mouse and it simply doesn't work, check the mouse settings in Windows, he might have bound the buttons to other commands. Try setting the mouse binds to defaults.

On our notebook at work I just plugged in a 3-button USB mouse and didn't have to setup anything.

Edited by: Zestje
<a name="2_MOUSE_MMB_SUPPORT">There was an option thru v2001 shown below don't know if it works for Wildfire and don't care.


Laptops have USB drives just attach one.
course if it has microsoft drivers those could give you problems
according to what I've heard. I'm pretty sure any mouse can work with
any driver I installed 3 button mouse drivers for a mouse from a
different company and it worked okay.


Edited by: mjcole_ptc

Thank u guys for the suggestion my friend did some setting with the mouse drivers and its working out fine

thanks for the time u spent on this


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