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Cant create Round?? WF2


New member
Ok, I have managed to create the variable sectionsweep feature using a graph, however I want a radius of 3.5mm on one edge, proe WF2will only let me put a 0.1mm radius, there is plenty of room for the round?
hi man

everything depends what is the slope between two surfaces You wnat to use to create round - if the slope is big, then trying to push surface with tangency on both side between such surfaces is no possible I suppose
Since I haven`t seen Your model, I could only assume what is likely reason.

Remmember that VSS is set as deafault to modify Your section along trajectory to fit it ti existing boundries. The round tool will try to force set dimension all edge long.

So, as I said - I am not 100% sure if it is valid info - the problem could be in angle between your surfaces. If it is too samll/high and the adjacent surface to narrow, Pro/E will have no conditions to force roound on such surfaces.

Try to make this round within a round tool but with an option - make as surface. Check what You got with following conditions. (WF2)

The pic shows the reason for the Round failure.
Note the start and end tangent angle dimensions added
to the Graph curve to correct it.
- - - - -
Can I talk you into posting a neutral format translation of your WF3 version?
I'd like to see how the system dealt with the discontinuity.
Thanks Jeff
Hi Jeff

The vertical line and which other element make the 90 deg angle? I cant seem to reproduce it in my model.


Top dimension the tangent angle of a spline or conic arc...
_Pick the curve (spline or conic).
_Pick the reference (line, construction line, etc.).
_Pick the curve end point.
_MMB to place.
(The curve / line pick order isn't important, pick the end point last.)

- - -

Well, I take it back ... pick the entities in any order. My mistake.
Edited by: jeff4136
Thanks Jeff, you live a learn everyday

I get 270 deg, cant seem to make it 90, still works though!

Thanks again


After downloading your original file from the post 1, my cocnern is
about units, inches or milimeters? My measurement shows, your part OD=37.9" what I
am not sure if it is true dimension. Please let me know.

For such
diameter my WF2 was able to create both sides 3.5mm (.137") radius with no problems.


