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can't zoom or rotate when


New member
why can't you zoom in or rotate your model when you delete a feature that has children and the dialog box appears asking you what you want to do with the children?

wouldn't it be nice to be able to actually move your model around to look and see in your model what else has been highlighted for deletion so you know what features you may want to suppress versus delete? as it stands right now, you have to potentially zoom way in on a small round, then zoom back out before you hit delete so you can see what else highlights. then, if other small rounds are children you still can't really tell what the feature is because you can't zoom back in to look more closely.


these are the kind of useability issues that make PTC products suck. sure, they work (sometimes) and you can always get your work done but really, can't PTC have any attention to detail and pay attention to how users actually use the product?

this is just one of many irritations.

I previously mentioned that sometimes when you measure a distance, the distance appears BEHIND the measure flyout toolbar so you must first move the toolbar to see your measurement.

when you measure relative to a coordinate system, you instantly see the X, Y, and Z distance components, but you must zoom out far enough to see the AXES displayed to know which freaking distance you are concerned with. why can't the AXES display in your window?

Why are some features object-action and others are action-object?

it's like the software engineers just work on their module without any regard for consistency with other modules or developer groups. and worse, it's like nobody at PTC actually ever uses the darn software and thinks any of these things are wrong?

It still bothers me to no end that whenever I check something in to widnchill my message confirming success reads "CHECKIN SUCCEEDED". Not CHECK IN. last I checked, in no version of English is there a word "CHECKIN"

rant over. back to modelling.
On the zoom issue, when the dialog box comes up if you click options, it pulls up another window with the features that will delete you can then zoom everywhere and all features are still highlighted. It is still an extra click bet we are all used to that!!

