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Carton Surfacing - How using VSS??


New member
Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to model a carton. I have been supplied with the outside profile so am starting to model the top section which I see as the more complex bit.

So far I have modelled it using boundary blends but from recent posts I think I may get a better result using Variable Section Sweeps. Unfortunately I'm struggling with it and not getting very far. Can anyone guide me in the right direction please? Model is

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

i think you have put the pictures on the planes

if so then you have to share the images as well for understanding what u r talking about
Davisdony, What do you mean by 'i think you have put the pictures on the planes'?

The sketched curves in the model was the proifles I am using to create the boundary blend. See link to model on 1st post!! I did attach it so people could see what I'm talking about.

Thanks, so I'm on the right road then??

I couldn't access the images on your link so I couldn't see how similar it is. The shape of the carton was given to me by a client.
Hi Micheal, I dont think your model is too bad, like you say you are limited to the constraints in the sketches that you have been given. The curvature analysis isnt too bad but I guess the reflection could look better. I guess its a matter of controlling what happens in between your sketches, adding a few more controlling datum curves etc.

I am no master at surfacing but I am also trying to learn little by little every day, if I get chance i`ll see if I can improve on yours... doubt it though
Thanks Skint, the client seemed happy enough with the basic shape though as you say the reflection could look better, I'm just not too sure how to improve it.

Now to add the handle, no doubt I'll be back asking more questions!!
michael3130 said:

Thanks, so I'm on the right road then??

I couldn't access the images on your link so I couldn't see how similar it is.

Ha! - must first register to PDF to use its content(pics). But it is worth to do this!

this is my way of tdoing this. It is simplified al ittle while I replaced splines by conic arcs, which in such shape are enough, two - they are less demanded to control


Anyway, if I were You I would do this within at least few steps instead of one surf by Boundary Blend. Among of many others factors(more flexibility for changes, simple curves-profiles, etc) this approach in long term produces good habbit which would pay back in future
A decent attempt Jacek and good to see how you created your surfaces, I see you took a similar approach to Radge from pdf :) It doesnt use the exact base curves which michael was constrained to though does it.
I can't open rar files in work, only zip files,but will do it when I get home so I can see what you've done Jacek.

I suppose if a model is constrained in the way this one is, there's only so much can be done to get a good surface. Am I right?
not quite the same but very similar Skint....:))))

instead of BB I used VSS for final "neck"surface. I suppose there is no differance between those two tools in results.


here I discussed this case a little - go to then link and scroll down

[url] 379&PN=3&TPN=28[/url]

there is no real differance or advantage other than "good enginnered way of doing this". I mean the same situation You are going to meet while creating simple valve housing - You can make all with one revolve, or You can divide it on:

*external geom
*internal geom
*ribs, drafts, rounds etc

here You have zipped model

If I can I would go offtopic a little...

what is more intresting for me and what seems to be major factor in SW
comunity is the enormous no. of blogs, sites, forums where tutorials
are SW related, and two - there are really valuable. The PDF is great
example. There is Ragde, there ZYXs which introduce amazing tutorials and models. I see this is really accelerating SW community and then its marketing

I counted lately Pro/E sites and there are really not many really worth to look at them, most very old with no decent stuff to read. I think this is what Pro/E community really misses - more and more valuable stuff to play with...
I'd read that post before. Pity I have the memory of a fish and forgot about it. I'm reading through it again, trying to understand a bit more. Youtube is banned in work so I will try and look at some of Bart's tutorials at home.

I think (not sure though) that the way you constructed the spline to get the curve detail on the shoulder of the carton was much better and where I went wrong. Your VSS gives a slightly better shape. I'll try remodelling it and see what happens. Thanks.

As for your comments on SW, I have modelled this up in SW as well and got similar results though I don't think there is the same control though that could just be my modelling technique.

SW here in Northern Ireland has been marketed well and virtually every secondary education school or college uses it due to the amazing deals that were offered, which has lead to manybusinesses purchasingSW due toso many people having a knowledge of the software. However, the teaching is very questionable. A lack of basic understanding, mainly in the area of constraining sketchs, is very noticeable. I would hate to try and alter most of their models.
I am not claiming my approach is better and yours is worse:)))

I just wanted to say that it could be done different...

Untill taken approach provides required results it can be named "right one" - that is my point of view
well, that is strange while it is default set

beware - if You want to control section tangency to adjacent surfaces go first to the Tangency menu choose proper surfaces
ok micheal

I took a look once again on it

settings marked by You depends on sequence and type of choosen trajs - if the origin traj is not planar and it comes from surface(i.e an edge), You got an option Normal To Surface

so in my model the origin traj is the Chain one from Your pic

