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Catia books


New member
What is best catia book for v5r16? also, is there a catia book on administration?, 3rd party software? etc..
The Help files that you recieve with the original softwareis a good start for learning basicCATIA as well as more advanced capabilities. There are two filetypes included; HTML as well as PDF
I have catia materials including the followings:

catia v5 r17 sp3 Software 2CD
catia v5 r17 Help document 4CD
CATIA v5r17 Training 20CD
catia v5 A-class surfaces, Reverse engineering,advanced video courses with demonstrations of car 15CD .
Otherwise there are some other training courses 20CD.

These CDs are not for free. If anyone needs, please email to [email protected].

The above URL are just part of demostrations. This is my e-shop.

