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cell phone tutorial, assembly, newbie


New member
I am using wildfire 4 and am going through the cell phone tutorial. It has gone pretty smoothly till I tried adding the pc_board to the assembly. I cannot get the board to face the right way in the assembly.

I followed the tutorial closely and used the align constraints for the surface of the boardand the shelf of the screw post. Then used the align constraints for the right datums of the assembly and the pc_board. When I tried using the insert constraint to get the board facing the inside of the cell phone, I got a message saying it was an invalid constraint. If I use the hole on the other side the constraints will be fully placed but the board will be facing the wrong way.

Thanks in advance

introduce pics!

What tutorial are You talking about(it can be some of us are not familiar with it)?
On the constraints tab, the one you have issue with facing the wrong way, it may just be as simple as pressing the " Flip " button.
I tried to flip it but it just rotated the board around the screw post of the assembly. The screenshot shows the board facing the wrong way. I have tried using different constraints from what the tutorial says. I can get the board facing the right way but not lined up correctly with the assembly.

If its the tutorial I'm thinking about (in the getting started guide that came with ProE) the first constraint you listed should be a mate constraint with the front of the PC board and the screw post of the front cover, an align constraint with the RIGHT datums, and an insert constraint with one of the holes. It's been a while since I did the tutorial so I can't remember if there was a problem with the directions.
If you can, please upload the .asm , or the parts..or maybe some pics! Then its alot easier to help!

Here is a screenshot of what is going on. The board is facing the wrong way and after I tried using the insert constraint I got an invalid contraint message.

Thanks Rick
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The picture doesn't show but what may be happening if the insert constraint is causing the problem is the distance from the datum to the center of the hole on the PC board isn't the same as the distance from the datum to the center of the post on the cover.

Another thing to try is to use the CTRL+ATL+middle mouse button to orient the board into the correct position without any constraints and then create them.
Edited by: kdem
Thanks for the help. There was a bad measurement although it was not from the right datum that rund down the length of both boards. I created another simplified version of both models and then tried assembling them. It took a few tries but they finally were assembled.

I am going to look at some of the assembly tutorials on this site.

