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Centerlines on Asm Cuts


New member
So I figured out not too long ago how to make assembly cuts and reflect them back to the part level. One of many downsides to using this method is that the "assembly cut" features on the part level do not haves axes. This of course means that they will not show/hide centerlines on a drawing.

My question is, what is the best (most headache free)way to make centerlines show an a part that has "assembly cut" holes.
I think that if you want cuts to show on the PART level you should make that feature in the part, perhaps even making instances. I only use assembly cuts if that cutting operation happens at the assembly level. Then I dimension that feature on the assembly or sub-assembly drawing.

I never tried, but can you insert an axis on the assy cut at the part level??? If thatdoesn't work, in the part drawing try to sketch in thelines then change the line style to centerlines. Make sure to relatethose lines to the view so they move with the view. It really blows when you move a view and and un-related items stay
I agree with your first statement. By virtue of the fact that I am performing my cuts on my parts, I should put them in the parts themselves.

However, I am trying to setup a method by which I can (when needed) place an asm cut and insert an object into that cut, then group the two so that I can completely toggle the feature on and off if I feel the need to do so in the future. It's proving to be more trouble than it's worth though. It seems the only way to get the centerlines to show is in a way which they would eventualy fail if I took any of the cuts out.
I also agree with your last statement --->


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