For some reason I can't build up a chain of edges in Style (holding shift
key and selecting each "one-by-one") that is no problem outside of style.
When outside of style I select the same chain most easily by selecting one
edge, then holding down Shift, at which point the entire loop I want
appears highlighted, and then becomes a full chain if I click again. This
way is easier and faster than doing One-by-One just picking each little
piece in linear sequence until full chain formed. But both ways work.
When I'm in the surface creation tool of Style, and try to select
the same set of edges as a "Primary Chain", neither method works. I am
only able to select a couple edges in a row (by holding Shift) at a time
before it becomes impossible to select any more (the next segment might
highlight when I'm over it, but when I click nothing gets added to chain.
It appears that there is no option to select chains other than by One-by-
One too.
Anyone have any suggestions for me? The fact that can select the same
chain outside of Style doesn't make any sense to me. I am able to use the
same chain in Boundary Blend, just not in the Create Surface tool of Style
Edited by: 2ms1
key and selecting each "one-by-one") that is no problem outside of style.
When outside of style I select the same chain most easily by selecting one
edge, then holding down Shift, at which point the entire loop I want
appears highlighted, and then becomes a full chain if I click again. This
way is easier and faster than doing One-by-One just picking each little
piece in linear sequence until full chain formed. But both ways work.
When I'm in the surface creation tool of Style, and try to select
the same set of edges as a "Primary Chain", neither method works. I am
only able to select a couple edges in a row (by holding Shift) at a time
before it becomes impossible to select any more (the next segment might
highlight when I'm over it, but when I click nothing gets added to chain.
It appears that there is no option to select chains other than by One-by-
One too.
Anyone have any suggestions for me? The fact that can select the same
chain outside of Style doesn't make any sense to me. I am able to use the
same chain in Boundary Blend, just not in the Create Surface tool of Style

Edited by: 2ms1