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change the colour of background of sketch


New member
Hi all,

Could anyone tell me how to change the colour of backgroundin sketch mode? I have got used to black but at my workplace it is the same as it is in model environment.I am using pro/E wf 2. I want it to be black.
If you go to View -> Display Settings -> System Colors. Then change the Background color to whatever you want.

Once you make the change you will want to save the file (like syscol.scl). You will then have to change the setting (system_colors_file)to point to the new color file.

Some companies copy a default file at the launch of Pro/E. You should make sure you are saving your file somewhere it will not be overwriten. Usually the best place for this is in your startin directory. That way you do not have to load the file manually each time you start Pro/E. If your company does not download a file on launch you could save the file to loadpoint\text


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