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changing elements from famibly table according to parameters


New member

I can not find solution to my problem. Maybe it is not even possible but i would like to ask you :)

I have an assembly of a pipe and a ring. The pipe is characterized by some parameteres: lenght, diamater, thickness...

Ring part is made as a family table, because it is more complicated. There are different gaskets, sizes, durability and so on.

And now, in an assembly, when i change the diameter of the pipe, I would like that after regeneration, some other instance will be chosen.

Is it even possible?


I can not find solution to my problem. Maybe it is not even possible but i would like to ask you :)

I have an assembly of a pipe and a ring. The pipe is characterized by some parameteres: lenght, diamater, thickness...

Ring part is made as a family table, because it is more complicated. There are different gaskets, sizes, durability and so on.

And now, in an assembly, when i change the diameter of the pipe, I would like that after regeneration, some other instance will be chosen.

Is it even possible?


I would make the pipe a family table as well, and then the assembly can have a family table that calls up the correct pair of parts. It's a bit more work, but it also insures that only standard size pipe is used - you can't accidentally design custom parts.

