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Changing the scale?

Mooby Geenk

New member
Is there anyway that once i finish a part that i can scale it to the size i want it? I made my project really small but i want it to be nearly 10 inches long.
I'm asking how to do this because i don't know of any buttons like this. If you could explain things a little more it would be helpful
Try this...

<ul>[*]Right click on the Features toolbar.[*]Select Customize Command Manager.[*]Click on the the Commands tab.[*]Select Features from the categories list on the left.[*]Click an drag the SCALE button (near the middle of the second row) to the toolbar.[*]Click OK.[/list]Of couse you could also just go to Insert \ Features \ Scale, but the first way will keep the button on your toolbar for faster selection.

Hope this helps.

Joe L

Edited by: joelewinski


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