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<H3 =post-title>*** PTC/USER Exclusive?: Open Wildfire 3.0 files in WF2.0 *** </H3>
<DIV =post->
<DIV style="CLEAR: both"></DIV>Did you know there's a way to open files created with Pro/E Wildfire 3 in version 2?? (without feeble "neutral files")
I didn't, until tonight... down in the Exhibition hall I chatted with Asa Trainer, the main guy dealing with file interchange, etc... (Also read about my last chat to PTC PLMs in 2004 - and see some recurring themes...)
Anyway - here's the deal:
<LI>There's a plugin available (.DLL file) - you can put in your WF2 install - that allows you to open files created by WF3. More to come on this file soon.
[Asa did a short demo of a part saved by WF3 opening with WF2... instead of the expected error, it flagged up the difference + you click OK to view anyway.]
<LI>The existing features are READ-ONLY in WF2... ie: you can't edit or redefine them... however you should be able to add features, and have those changes propagate to the other model.
[Note: set option topobus_enabled yes for this]
<LI>Parameters get included in the file, including timestamp, etc... these will show when the part was last updated.</LI>[/list]As always happens with demos, things didn't quite work properly, and we weren't able to see the new features updated in the related models, but I was assured it would work next time.
If you've got a lot of Wildfire users & you're thinking of upgrading - it may not be such a black-and-white case now... you could upgrade some users, and their saved parts would still be visible to the WF2 users.
My previous WF3 review has been updated to reflect this (though I've still to fully test it myself).</DIV>
Found this at
There is hope yet!
<H3 =post-title>*** PTC/USER Exclusive?: Open Wildfire 3.0 files in WF2.0 *** </H3>
<DIV =post->
<DIV style="CLEAR: both"></DIV>Did you know there's a way to open files created with Pro/E Wildfire 3 in version 2?? (without feeble "neutral files")
I didn't, until tonight... down in the Exhibition hall I chatted with Asa Trainer, the main guy dealing with file interchange, etc... (Also read about my last chat to PTC PLMs in 2004 - and see some recurring themes...)
Anyway - here's the deal:
<LI>There's a plugin available (.DLL file) - you can put in your WF2 install - that allows you to open files created by WF3. More to come on this file soon.
[Asa did a short demo of a part saved by WF3 opening with WF2... instead of the expected error, it flagged up the difference + you click OK to view anyway.]
<LI>The existing features are READ-ONLY in WF2... ie: you can't edit or redefine them... however you should be able to add features, and have those changes propagate to the other model.
[Note: set option topobus_enabled yes for this]
<LI>Parameters get included in the file, including timestamp, etc... these will show when the part was last updated.</LI>[/list]As always happens with demos, things didn't quite work properly, and we weren't able to see the new features updated in the related models, but I was assured it would work next time.
If you've got a lot of Wildfire users & you're thinking of upgrading - it may not be such a black-and-white case now... you could upgrade some users, and their saved parts would still be visible to the WF2 users.
My previous WF3 review has been updated to reflect this (though I've still to fully test it myself).</DIV>