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Chopper tank model problem


New member
<div style="text-align: left;">I am trying to model a half of a motorcycle chopper tank and I am having trouble closing the 3 sided end hole. Using WF 3.0 and ISDXView attachment 4713

The curves I have look like this.

View attachment 4714

The middle surfaces look ok. I trimmed the 3 sided end as per Warsztat and used a four sided surface.

View attachment 4715

But I can't get the surfaces to flow correctly when surfaced.

View attachment 4716
The middle curves are all normal to their plane.
Anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong?

Have you tried to make the surfaces using boundaryblend istead? I find them more robust than isdx surfs (there is an update on that in "the next release" thoo) . Just build the curves in isdx, and the BB surf. Could make some difference. Regarding to your "cutaway surf", the corner ...try to make as cloose to 90 deg as possible.

If this doesnt help you , then you can always use DSE to smoothen it out.


it looks more like your problem is with the boundary you created for your 4 sided patch at the front.
Try to make the curve from the top comming less sharp into the curve on the side.
besides why do you need the corner to be of the line you alreday have running from the front to the back.
Make sure the point stays on this flowline.
Then the matching up of the curvature continuty should not be a big issue anymore.

Hope this helps.

Happy modeling
I have a tutorial similar to this in my one week surfacing class and Level 6 ISDX class. We solve the ends three or so different ways.

one way we solve the puzzle is using g2 curves and surfaces and trim off the bottom with a surface.
Edited by: design-engine
Sometimes I found out that combining ISDX and Boundary BLend gives the best result. You can try ISDX on the 3 sided end hole and Boundary Blend for the rest of the tank.
Still you may have to play with boundary conditions to create tangent surfaces.


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