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Clearance Verification


New member

I'm just on the way to explore my knowledge on Solidworks Clearance Verification and I have came across a simple problem.

I have made a simple assembly with 4 parts and I want to check the clearance between 2 parts of it. I selected that particular 2 components and I clicked on Clearance Verification and I have given the clearance value as 0.5 mm. After clicking on Calculate, solidworks shows the clearance between these 2 parts only in one direction. why is that so?

I want to check the clearance between these 2 parts in 2 directions say for example X & Y but solidworks gives me the clearance in only one direction.why?

And also,when I choose 2 parts to check the clearance between, how solidworks identifies between which 2 faces(which axis) I'm expecting the clearance?

Has anyone thought of this?

Pls check the attached picture for more clarity.


  • Picture1.jpg
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