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Clearing status/read only ?


New member
Our admin's put the hammer down and now when we check anything out from commonspace is has a read only status. Besides selecting the parts/asms/drws and changing status to clear, is there another way to get rid of read only? Intralink config setting, a simplemap key thingy, or just some way to overide that status?

If they checkout as Read-Only, how do you check them back in?

I had standard parts and Released files set to checkout as Read-Only, but In Work files were checked out as RW.

The only method to clear the status is to do it the way you are.
looslib said:
If they checkout as Read-Only, how do you check them back in?

I had standard parts and Released files set to checkout as Read-Only, but In Work files were checked out as RW.

The only method to clear the status is to do it the way you are.

If they are read only you can't even modify them. So you wouldn't need to check them in. In order to modify them you have to clear status. I'm looking for a way to get around that. A short cut or a user defined setting?
Maybe your admin has made a mistake somehow and put everything to read-only.You should have only standard parts or format's that don't get changed to often set as "read-only". Not all parts, drawings... You should talk to your admin to see why are all of them read-only.

I have only standard parts like screws, nuts...and some other parts and format's that don't get changed often set as read-only. The other stuff is free to change. Anyway everyone has it's own user and password and it's responsible for what changes he/she make to already checked in parts.

If you have some "power-user" rights you can change the status from commonspace before you check-out the parts. Otherwise I don't think you can.
Our Admins haveintentionallymade everything that gets checked out as read only. Because when you save an assembly model or drw of an assembly sometimes components with-in the assembly now have a modified status. Even though the parts themselves have not been modified. We have several carless Pro/E users that just select everything in there workspace and check them in. Vs. updating partsthat have not been changed. So now we mighthave 20 versions of Rev A for a part that wasreleased/Done being changed at A1.

Prior to Wildfire Pro/E and intralinknever did that. After a discusion with Pro/E "I should say Pro/India" Pro/E errors on the side of saving data vs not. That way there isno possible loss of data.They never really explain the problem. They only explained it away....typical Pro/E.
I see now. We had the same problem, but after a few carless check-in's we all hada talk and decided the best way is for everyone to be responsible of what he/she doescheck-in. So before check-in we take a minute and see what needs to be updated in workspace and update everything and only then we check-in the assy and drw.
Do you set parts to a 'Release' Status when they are released? The rules for Intralink can be set up to so released parts are checked out as read-only, but in-work parts are RW. It takes a bit of work with Intralink, but it can be done. You can also set folders so the contents are read-only to the general users but RW to admins or librarians.

