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Close all windows mapkey


New member
Does anyone know of a close all windows mapkey? I know how to create mapkeys, but I am not sure how much you can alter the code. I want to be able to close all the windows and erase the "not displayed" items, is there an if type statment that can be used in the to test if all windows are closed?

wish there was an answer for this one. i had all fifteen windows open at one point with very large assemblies. when i decided i needed to close some out it took around thirty seconds to close a window. ridiculous
I could be wrong but I believe the answer is no. Mapkeys aren't adaptive. I don't believe it's possible to setup a mapkey that could close an infinite possibility of windows.

It would be possible if PTC created a close all windows command.
It can be done. Open 15 parts and then start recording a mapkey, close all windows one by one and then erase session. Done. I just tried it. Works like a charm.

Remember to close the windows using "close window" in the window menu and not the cross in the upper roght corner. When the last window is closed this option becomes greyed out meaning that the base window isn't closed. The mapkey continues anyway and erases session when done.

Edited by: m-d-e
1) If you have PDMLink just change Work Space. Then you will be asked to erase all in session. Incl open parts.

2) You can also go: #File; #exit without closing the windows
here's the scenario. a mapkey wouldn't work beacause it would still take 30 seconds to close each window. i guess i could take a ten minute walk but i was looking for something more immediate.i also couldn't switch working directories because i had stuff in session that had changes that weren't saved yet.
Oh, didn't notice that you had bumped an old thread. I answered the OP.
I also noticed that my mapkey didn't work that good after the initial test either.

