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Close Fit/Free Fit dia for screw holes.


New member

I would like to edit dimensions of Close Fit dia/ Free Fit dia of holes for screws. Please find attached Jpeg.
Any input will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


View attachment 568

You need to add the following cingif option into your file.

hole_diameter_override yes

Thanks dhelton,

This works fine. With this I got one more question,

Can we have our own values for close fit/free fit. I mean,For a particular screw will I be able to get a value different from default value, Always without manually entering the value.

HopeI am not asking for too much.

Thanks & Regards,


You can by making a copy and altering your own version of the UNC.HOL, UNF.HOL, and ISO.HOL files that can be found in the following folder of your wildfire software load point example c:\wildfire\text\hole

Also search help for the following (Using Hole Charts)

Also, check the following help info. (Formatting Thread Notes)

I have not used this function only because I have not had the time to customize the .hol files


Send me your email and I will be happy to provide you with standard UNC.hol, UNF.hol and ISO.hol files that have a more standard fitbased loosely on the ASME standards. Youcan use these as a baseline to change toyour own sizes. My email is [email protected].

Hi every one!

Idon't get the "close fit"cascade option shown on he screen shot on the original post of this thread. I always get a threaded hole. I need to make a counterbore hole for a Socket Head Cap screw -SHCS-to "fall" into it and stop at its head, so it fastens another part that does have threaded holes.

Can any one tell me how to get there please?


