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cmon wtf


New member
just out of a meeting so here is the situation

I am the only one here that knows anything about pro-e 3 others have limited knowledge of autocad I started this job on contract 3 months ago some of my first projects are being released and the discussion came up that if I were to quit, be sick .... no one would know how to access let alone change the drawings, wouldnt want them too either. The boss says there is no way he is going to pay for training. so it is my job now to take all the pro-e drawings I have done and save as dxf to be imported into autocad file so they can change notes, etc

View attachment 1857I am contemplating trying this option or moving on

this is a small company that is being run by a narrow minded *******

if the part physicaly changes then I will have to reimport a new dxf file everytime

my question is this

1. does anyone else have to go thru this same thing? and why?????

2. how can i convince the boss hes a f***ing retard and that pro-e's associativity is the reason he bought it in the first place-not because "everyone else is using it" was the way explained it to me

isnt this like taking your broken computer to the smithy
Gettin' paid by the hour?

I do the same (write out dwg's) on contract work but guess it's a bit more frustrating in your case. Just be sure to point out from time to time that the additional cost isn't because of you and isn't because of Pro/E. Maybe keep a running log (not so much the export time, but if a 2D dwg has to be extensively modified to accompdate design change?) and see how it stacks up against training (where your time would be better spent?

Can you drive Acad?

Just curious: Have any time studies been done; 2D vs. 3D? Is it readily apparent that 3D is "better" for your company's application?


Just focused on "limited knowledge of autocad". If that's the sum of it; there's no hope. Try to automate the export process.

Edited by: jeff4136
Before PTC added the Pro/Detail module transfers to AutoCAD were the only way to make a detailed drawing. PTC saw what a huge waste of time that was and corrected the situation. Now you can't even buy Pro/E without the drawing capability. That should tell your boss something.
thanks for the advice jeff & DR_G

i have enuf experience in autocad to get by

the only reason we even have pro-e here is because they have been doing some injection molding projects- 3 years ago they only had solidworks here then they were told that pro-e was the way to go.

i think your right there is no hope in getting a stubborn a** to walk in the direction you want him to.

my biggest concern was his comment "I am not paying for training" -means this place will always be stuck atthe same level and unable to grow because he is to cheap to let it.

Where is your company? There are plenty of companies in my area looking for ProE drivers... (and SW, AC, Catia, etc...)

I've been in your situation. I guess I've changed jobs too many times to have loyalty, but I sense a sinking seems trainingis always the first to get cut when money is tight-time to jump ship?
Edited by: SSLaser
Any over ocean cooperation? :) I am free for cooperation, and maybe for
something more. My girlfriend comes in NY (mart 6) and I am now in a
situation to become wither but without her
definately time the rats are all gone my company is in iowa city iowa

funny thing is they got a big contract from GE and more work than they can handle to be honest

this company is all medical products so everyting has to go thru validation- be FDA approved.........and so on
You would think with all the $$$ in medical products and the need for good documentation there would be money to do everything the right way, training included.

Not sure where Iowa city is...but there is a place In Waverly, above Waterloo

they do automation equip. Top notch place...but darn i can't remember the name.

they are part of a larger comp. with sites elsewhere

