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Color Code Surfaces, yes and no?


New member
A little guidence would be appreciated.

I have model of a molded palstic assembly that uses the same black plastic but has at leastthree similar (but still different) textures on various surfaces. I'd like to be able to come up with a way to better indicate which surfaces have which texture by assinging them different contrasting colors, yet still want to be able to display the assembly (from the same ASM file) using the more realistic representation (black). Thinking a family table but we are having issues with family tables in our Oracle Cad database vault so looking for other ideas.
>Just use 3 different blacks by slightly tweaking the parameters of the color of each.<

Thanks for the reply but we are really looking for something that can be used in presentation graphics that is much more visually obvious than "slight tweaks" to the black. Thre are a lot of small surfaces that just wouldn't show up well enough using that approach.

What I have done for now is adda "warp" of the parts. I'm then able to select colors of the individual surfaces on thewarp. If I hide the warp I still get my original colors.Just felt there might be a more traditional approach.
Lots of people copy & offset the surfaces & color the copied surfaces. You need to do the offset so you don't get the zebra effect on coincident surfaces. It can be just a micron. Then hide/suppress the surfaces when you don't want them.
Links in the forum are always a problem ...

Remove the space character after pasting the link (between '31' and '801').

