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Way back in 2001 it was possible to select suraces in a number of ways:

loop surfaces

seed and bound

Any way to do this on WF ??
Edited by: dougr
I don't think it's a straight forward as r2001...but what is ...

when you view>color and appearance> then surfaces

then selection filter from smart <

to intent surface.. you get right click options....

and another menu or two
Sorry, intent surface doesn't work.

Anyone else shed some light ???

I honestly believe PTC only trains their App Enginners to do Lego Blocks and then they think they're experts....

PS Anyone know wtf an "intent surface" is ????
guess you don't need the intent surface pick on filter after all... once you select surfaces in assignment then you get your surface sets on right click..

add to get anchor and boundry

I have it mapkeyed
Thanks, I finally figured it, buggered if I know why PTC screws so badly with this stuff (well guess I do - Wall St politicking - dangerous game).
Edited by: dougr
Don't know about loop surfs, but seed and boundary are relatively easy, although the method is 'hidden'. What I mean is, there is no command on screen, you have to know what to do. Here it is:
<LI>Pick your seed surf with the LMB</LI>
<LI>Hold down SHIFT (not control)</LI>
<LI>pick the boundary surfaces (don't let go of SHIFT!)</LI>[/list]

A nice WF enhancement is that Pro|E shows you the resultant surface as you go. Once the boundary is closed, you'll know right away.
wsylvester said:
certainly easier than just having to read what you want

View attachment 4297

I must be one of the dumbest guys posting on MCAD, what do you mean you don't have to read ??? I'm missing the point of this last post.

In WF the default is still individual surfaces and to select seed and bound or loop surfaces (and additional surface sets) so you still have to be able "read" the dialogue....

Also, not sure why PTC is hung up putting everything into the mouse, what was wrong with picking thru a few menus..

I do like the preview surface - now this is "real" progress - but sometimes they hide additional surfaces I want to select.

PS Does anyone know what an "intent surface" is ?????
Edited by: dougr
Also, not sure why PTC is hung up putting everything into the mouse, what was wrong with picking thru a few menus..

that's what i'm getting at .. so many things have been changed around and they are actually more time consuming to use than the r2001 menu picturei put up..

how many picks to you need to go thru now vs.. r2001 ? I'm not going to count

if they kept things the same across the board .. I'd be okay with it.. but maybe it's on the dashboard or maybe another pulldown.. or a mmb or rmb or shift select..

or a hidden method ..
must be one of the dumbest guys posting on MCAD, what do you mean you don't have to read ..

not impling anything of the sort Doug... yeah I guess you still have to read one menu or another.. but r2001 generally had more of the available choice on the menus.. instead of taking you another level deeper.

make sense?
Up to 2001 the only thing that was really objectional for me was the number of menu picks down to "boundary surfaces", the rest was ok.

At least they fixed this....

What I understand from your mails is that those people who use cascaded menus for a ages, still love that and also I feel that many are not aware of WF tricks.
All the option that were available in 2001 is there in WF, and I appreciate PTC, putting it very easy to use with keyboard and mouse clicks

Also it is true that, PTC was forced to wildfire its software in order to compete with it competitors and you remember those days
Hi Mate,

When you create a protrusion, you start with a sketched section and then extrude that section or surface. Intent surfaces are surface that exist within this protrusion

There are three sets of intent surfaces:

SIDE SRFS - The sides of the protrusion between the start surface and the end surface.

START SRFS - The side of the protrusion containing the original sketched section or surface.

END SRFS - The side of the protrusion where the section or surface ended its path.

Hope this helps

If you got any queries,please feel free to reply me back


I don't know the technical definition, but it seems to be a set of surfaces (or edges in the case of intent edges)that were created in a common operation. The extruded portion of an extruded feature is on example (SIDE SURFS in leow_john's example) all the surfaces created by a round is another.

Its real handy, and has been around since 2001 at least. A couple of nice uses for intent sets:
<LI>Draft all 4 sides of a square extrude with one reference. Later, change your square to an octagon and the additional 4 surface get drafted automagically.</LI>
<LI>Round all 4 edges of that same extrude. Same thing happens when you change to an octagon - the additional 4 edges get rounded automatically.</LI>[/list]

