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Colour of an assembly extrude


New member
Does anybody know if there is a way to give the surfaces wich are created in an assembly (by an extrude), an other colour then the assembly colour?

I've tried to select "assembly surfaces", but this will not work.

Thanks in advance
Hi Geertdaenen,

Is there a reason you can't create your extrusion at the part level, instead of in the assembly?
I'm assuming your surface was created in a subassembly of your main assembly. To change the color of the surface you need to open the subassembly that the feature was created inand change the color there using the "Asm Surfaces" or "Asm Quilts".
Are we talking about surfaces / quilts (surface Features) or solid 'faces' / surfaces and subtractive assembly features?
I'vecreated a weld assembly. After welding the parts together, some surfaces have to be milled. So you see, it's not possible to create the extrusion on part level.

It is not possible to select the surfaces by using "Asm Surfaces" or "Asm Quilts".
I don't know (nor do I have AAX) but the only option that comes to mind is to change all part surfaces (select a solid surface / face, RMB -> Solid Surfs). All subsequently created faces will be part color.

If you have AAX search the web for the terms [Pro/Engineer + color + machined]. There's an article / tutorial floating around that addresses the issue at the part level and may answer the assy feat question.
Okay, I think I understand what you did and have something for you to try. In your assembly select your cut features and edit the definitions. Under the Intersect tab remove the check mark from Automatic Update at the top of the tab and change the Display from Top Level to Part Level. This will show the cut at the part level. Go into the part that assembly cuts are created in (part having surfaces machined) and change the color of the surface. If you need to showthe parts ar assembly without the cut create a simplified rep. at the part level that has the cut excluded from the rep. and at the assembly level create a simplified rep. that has the part shown using the simplified rep. that you create at the part level.

AAX is the Advanced Assembly Extension option.
Okay, this is a sollution for my problem, but it's a bit to difficult to do this every time. I thought it would be a lot easier, but I see it's not possible to do it in the same way you do it in a part.

But no problem, I leave the colours like they are.

Thanks for your replies!

After thinking about it a little more I found another solution for you to try. After creating your assembly cut select the surface, copy it, and then paste it. You can then use the "Asm Surfaces" or "Asm Quilts" in the Appearance Editor to apply a color to the surface.
Helaba Geert,

//rubbish & deleted// I mixed up 2 things, the copy surf is probably the better option

Sorry, Nick
Edited by: dojo

