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Combining 2 or more Solid Parts


New member
I have three solid parts i want to use COSMOS express on, I undedrstand that It will only run one component, My problem is that

1 i only have the express version loaded on my PC.

2 it will take forever to re model the three parts as one

is it possible to somehow merge them into one solid,

Many thanks
Yes, use the join command.
<LI>Open a new assembly</LI>
<LI>Bring the 3 parts into the assembly and assembe them as they should be.</LI>
<LI>insert new part (this is going to be the combined part)</LI>
<LI>select a plane as the reference plane.</LI>
<LI>It will then go into skecth mode but exit sketch mode as you don't need to sketch anything</LI>
<LI>go to insert - feature - Join</LI>
<LI>You then select the 3 parts that you want to join.</LI>
<LI>OK this.</LI>
<LI>A new part will now be added to your history tree and the original parts will be hidden</LI>[/list]

I'm not sitting in front of SW at the minute so hopefully I haven't mised anthing.
Createan ASSEMBLYwith your three parts. Save theASSEMBLY as a PART. Open the new PART, insert feature COMBINE, select all three parts.

good luck.


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