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Combining Solid Features


New member
This is a pretty simple question and something I have not had the need for before, surprisingly...

I have an extruded rectangle feature and a complex surfaced pattern feature which has been turned into a solid. How do I remove the patterned solid from the extruded rectangle?

You need to have the extruded feature and the pattern feature as separate parts. Then createan assembly of the two parts. Thereafter use Edit>Component Features>Cutout to scoop out the material.
rajib said:
You need to have the extruded feature and the pattern feature as separate parts. Then createan assembly of the two parts. Thereafter use Edit>Component Features>Cutout to scoop out the material.

Thanks I will give that a go now.
if the pattern is in the same part as your extrude then use the solidify tool and click to remove material. if you have the pattern in a different part then the above solution should work however there are other options.

Edited by: mcgowanp

